Thursday 13 December 2012

Cure for the Itch Treatment | Beauty Tips - Homemade Beauty Tips

Cure for the Itch Treatment | Beauty Tips - Homemade Beauty Tips

Cure for the Itch Treatment

Cure for Itch

 Camping is an enjoyable activity, being out in the wilderness amongst nature. One common nuisance of camping is annoying insects that precariously strike at any moment.No one is safe from insect bites, and inadvertently if you’re going to camping chances are you will experience a nibble or two.A common cure to stop the itch of camping is calamine lotion. The lotion comes in a sturdy plastic bottle and can be utilized any time of the day. The only downfall of calamine lotion is the color and the fact that it washes away with water.
Many avid campers have conformed to utilizing OFF spray to rid of the annoying pests that flutter around. OFF spray can be applied any time of the day, and will stop insects from sinking their teeth into you.The OFF spray is also great as a treatment for after the fact. OFF spray will annoy you of the awful scratching sensation that many bug bites cause. And, the best part is the spray is inexpensive and can be purchased from a wide array of sources.You can’t stop insects from biting you, but you can stop the annoying scratching sensation of the after math

Other ways to cure for the itch

Try a natural remedy skin wash to control the itch of eczema. Mix these ingredients together in a bowl- one-teaspoon of comfrey root, one-teaspoon of white oak bark, one-teaspoon of slippery elm bark and two cups of water. Then boil the concoction for thirty-five minutes, allow it to cool and then wash the affected areas of your skin with it. While it might not completely get rid of the itch it should go along way in improving it.
Lotions that are made out of blueberry leaves are very good at relieving the inflammation of eczema and at improving the irritation that accompanies itching. Taking zinc pills orally as well as applying them directly to your itchy skin should help a lot, as should taking shark cartilage tablets or capsules on a regular basis. Vitamin E has been proven to be one of the best vitamins for fighting eczema itch, as it is very soothing to the affected area.

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