Monday 4 February 2013

Top 10 Gifts For Valentine's Day | Beauty Tips - Homemade Beauty Tips

Top 10 Gifts For Valentine's Day | Beauty Tips - Homemade Beauty Tips

Top 10 Gifts For Valentine’s Day

Top 10 Gifts For Valentine’s Day, Let’s face it — there are gifts that show the recipient you have been paying attention, and then there are gifts where it is obvious that you crapped your pants in the CVS parking lot after work because you knew the last-minute Whitman’s Sampler was going to kill the mood.
I’m a big fan of love. I believe that both giving and receiving love are two of the greatest privileges known to man. So, any holiday solely dedicated to celebrating the L-word is alright with me. Back when I was younger (and dating), Valentine’s Day was a pretty big deal. I always aimed togive thoughtful gifts and I certainly always hoped to receive thoughtful gifts. For me, it always went beyond jewelry, flowers, and chocolate and was about a perfectly selected card and a gift that signaled that the giver was in tune with who I was and what I liked. Let’s face it — there are gifts that show the recipient you have been paying attention, and then there are gifts where it is obvious that you crapped your pants in the CVS parking lot after work because you knew the last-minute Whitman’s Sampler was going to kill the mood.
Let me help you out by giving you my Top Ten gift ideas that just might get you laid on February 14. I want to be sensitive to both the economy and also the fact that some of you are just plain thrifty little buggers, so some of these ideas don’t even cost any money. Consider this an equal-opportunity post where all socio-economic backgrounds can get in on the action.

Top 10 Gifts Ideas 

  • If she is active and likes to take yoga, for example, you could buy her some gear that supports that lifestyle choice. These yoga socks are all the rage. Perhaps a trip to LuLu Lemon is in order. Or, you could buy her a few passes at the place where her favorite instructor teaches. Include a note saying how much you love what yoga is doing to strengthen her mind as well as her body — and you are golden. FOOTNOTE: if she does not currently exercise, please ignore this suggestion! Otherwise, you will just come across as if you think she needsto exercise and no woman responds well to that.
  • Raid her medicine cabinet and her linen closet and buy her some of her favorite beauty products. I know a couple that was dating and the guy brought her entire make-up bag to Filene’s and asked someone at one of the beauty counters to help him put together a sampling of all his girlfreind’s favorite products, based on what she had in her cosmetics case. He scored BIG points for being observant. I may be wrong about this, but she was so happy, she may have even asked him to marry her! Again, focus on her likes, but if you are stumped for suggestions, I am happy to help you out and give you some recommendations.
  • I’m going to up the cheese factor on this one, but I saw it on a TV show once, and I melted. Try buying your girl some salon-quality shampoo, conditioner, and bubble bath, wrapping it up all nicey-nice, and then including a note or a coupon where you offer to bathe her and pamper her. Now, when you go about this, I know it will be hard, but please – for the love of God, just focus on the actual bathing and pampering of her (without any sexual expectations) and I can virtually guarantee that the rest will fall in line like clockwork! Tell her how beautiful she is, brush her silky smoothe hair, and you will be in like Flynn.
  • Here’s a freebie. But, what you save on money, I expect you to spend in time. Write her a letter telling her all of the ways she is special. How about creating your own Top Ten list of how she stole your heart. Poetry doesn’t hurt either, if you are into that kind of thing. I am still waiting for someone to write me a poem, a letter, or a love song. Feel free to pass this post along to my husband.
  • This one is about the three C’s (if sexual innuendos make you uncomfortable, please skip to bullet #6): candlelight, cupcakes, and cunnilingus. Again, also largely free, but continuing to focus on one very important thing: HER! The cupcakes in this suggestion are optional — but chicks, for the most part, dig cupcakes.
  • I don’t know a woman on this green earth who does not like music. Back in my day, we used to make mixed tapes. Now, you can just plan to load up her iPod with a great playlist fromiTunes.
  • Heart-shaped things. Find creative ways to incorporate heart-shaped things into the entire day. Make her heart-shaped pancakes. Write a message on the steam in the bathroom mirror. Leave a trail of paper hearts where you know she will find it.
  • Bring back chivalry. If you have substituted hand-holding and door-opening with belching and channel-surfing, re-commit to chivalry on Valentine’s Day. Pull her chair out for her. Open car doors. Hold her hand in public. Little touches go a long way and she will thank you for it.
  • For the tech-savvy Cassanova: send romantic and/or erotic text messages throughout the day. (but not if you are on the company calling plan) You can really get her all revved up with some well-chosen, flattering, and sincere words. Set the mood.
  • If you must buy flowers, please try to refrain from the cheapo bunches at the supermarket. And, in my opinion, roses are overrated (and WAY overpriced on Valentine’s Day). Get something exotic. Like calla lilies or orchids. Get something aromatic like hyacinths or peonies. Pick out her favorites, like sunflowers or irises. Sure, it’s the thought that counts — but a well-planned, observant thought beats a half-assed one any day. In my opinion, Winston’s Flowers has the most gorgeous selection, and an amazingly helpful staff to help you compile the perfect bunch based on color, style, or price.
Last but not least, act with love, affection, and appreciation on Valentine’s Day. It really is the greatest gift of all.

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